Ramesh Glückler

Doctoral Researcher | Geographer & Geoecologist


As a geographer and geoecologist, I am passionate about understanding long-term environmental and climatic changes, with a focus on the natural and human dimensions of changing wildfire regimes.

Currently, I am a doctoral researcher (dissertation submitted) at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research and University of Potsdam, Germany. You can find more details about my background here

On this website you can browse through some of my research and experience, including past publications, awards and funding, outreach, as well as ways to contact me right down below - I'm always happy to chat!
Wildfire smoke plume during fieldwork in eastern Siberia (Expedition "Yakutia 2021")
Wildfire smoke plume during fieldwork in eastern Siberia (Expedition "Yakutia 2021")
Obtaining lake sediment samples in Siberia (Expedition "Yakutia 2021")
Obtaining lake sediment samples in Siberia (Expedition "Yakutia 2021")
Larch forest after a high-intensity wildfire (Expedition "Yakutia 2021")
Larch forest after a high-intensity wildfire (Expedition "Yakutia 2021")
Fieldwork in the Austrian Alps (Expedition "Eissee 2022")
Fieldwork in the Austrian Alps (Expedition "Eissee 2022")

Contact information

+49 (331) 58174-5634

Polar Terrestrial Environmental Systems

Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research