Eager to improve my communication of science and scientific findings to the wider community or the public, I like experimenting with different forms of outreach:
11/2023: Chapter in print magazine “Geographische Rundschau“ (in German), available at: https://www.westermann.de/artikel/51231100/Geographische-Rundschau-Feuerlandschaften
- 09/2023: Article on debunking misleading wildfire-related arguments of the public discourse in the fact-checking blog “Volksverpetzer” (in German), available at: https://www.volksverpetzer.de/analyse/waldbrand-fakes-erkennen-widerlegen/
12/2022: “Fire in the Earth System” featured as research highlight of the month by the Helmholtz Association “REKLIM” network (in German), available at:
11/2022: Invited talk about wildfire ecology at the Potsdam Central Fire Department
08/2022: Press release on long-term wildfire dynamics in eastern Siberia, available at: https://www.awi.de/en/about-us/service/press/single-view/default-9856c58f25.html
- 06/2022: Invited talk and discussion of Siberian wildfires in YouTube livestream format “Wissenschaft für’s Wohnzimmer” ("Science for the Living Room"; in German), available at: https://youtu.be/i3rl1ZbqjW0 (see below)
- 05/2022: Invited talk about Siberian wildfires and associated research for members of the governing Social Democratic Party in Potsdam, Germany
- 03/2022: Press release with Elisabeth Dietze on international conference on wildfires (in German), available at: https://www.awi.de/ueber-uns/service/presse/archiv/archiv-detailansicht/default-abe1aa41c4-2.html