Previous news entries from the home page are are listed here chronologically, starting with the most recent one:
December 6, 2024: Dissertation published
My dissertation is now published via the Publication Server at the University of Potsdam. As a cumulative dissertation it includes four manuscripts, one of which has so far not been published elsewhere, and features a thorough introduction and discussion of our current knowledge regarding long-term changes of wildfire regimes in eastern Siberia. Access it here:
Glückler R. (2024): Long-term changes of wildfire regimes in eastern Siberia: An evaluation based on lake sediment indicators and individual-based modeling. Dissertation. University of Potsdam. DOI: 10.25932/publishup-66643
November 11, 2024: It's done!
Last Friday I completed my doctoral defense at the University of Potsdam. I'm especially grateful for the warm support by my family, fantastic mentors and colleagues, and the Potsdam fire department! Completing the defense also means that my dissertation will soon be publicly available - I'll share it here.
October 30, 2024: New report published
In the new Volume 32 of the Past Global Changes (PAGES) Magazine, we outline the mission and recent conceptual progress to make the Global Paleofire Database a constituent database to the Neotoma Paleoecology Database. This step will come with a number of benefits for data curators and users. Read more here:
Dietze E., Marlon J., Goring S., Gavin D.G., Bartlein P., Glückler R., Williams J. (2024): First steps toward integrating the Global Paleofire Database with Neotoma. PAGES Magazine, Volume 32. DOI: 10.22498/pages.32.2.140